Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The only thing bad about politics is that politicians are involved.

Hillary is telling us that she wants to implement government health care. Have you seen government housing? Show me one thing the government is doing a good job on right now as a reference that we should trust them with our health care. Is it going to be like public education, where you can't pick your school unless you move? Is it going to be like public housing where it will be taken advantage of until it is run down and undesirable?

Obama is running ads in Texas telling me he wants to give me a $1000 tax break and simultaneously close the "corporate tax loopholes." Great, so he wants to buy my vote and tax my employer so they can pass the cost on to the consumer and/or cut positions to make up for the lost revenue. Maybe all the jobs will just go to non-socialist countries where the government won't saddle them with increasing taxes.

John McCain is openly anti-Constitution (See McCain-Feingold act).

Huckabee is anti-family (see his voting record on Education. He doesn't want you to be able to home school.)

I wish I could afford my own private island. Is Cuba for sale?

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