Friday, July 14, 2006

Net Neutrality

If you haven't heard of Net Neutrality, it is one of the biggest issues that we have to deal with in regards to the internet. Jon Stewart explains:

If you don't already watch it, The Daily Show is one of the best shows on TV.

The concept behind Net Neutrality is that the telcos would be implementing a "fast lane" that they would charge content providers for. This means that companies like Amazon and Google would have to pay more than they are already paying to be able to provide consistent, good service to their customers. What this also means is that small companies won't be able to afford to provide the same service to their customers. Websites like and other start ups will not be on a level playing field with the established companies.

This concept is nothing more than a scheme for telcos to establish further control over the internet and put more money in their pockets. It will stifle growth and ingenuity and end up costing the consumer money out of their pockets, albeit indirectly.

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